Nexus’ breakthrough methodology is summarized by stages and products of the stages.
Throughout engagements, people (organizational dynamics, culture and behavior, knowledge management, etc.) are included specifically throughout process analysis, design and implementation. In addition to our robust work flow tools, we assiduously manage the organizational antibodies (political, social, psychological and other inertial regulatory mechanisms and structures of organizations) to help clients receive full advantage of new business process design. Our methods accelerate the rate of change and acceptance by users and managers reducing time-to-benefits (ROI). We do not send “armies” of inexperienced college graduates to clients; we use small consulting teams of seasoned executives who bring the power of their experiences along with our proven methodology.
Stage I. Global Performance Assessment conducts baseline data collection of the big enterprise picture looking at workflow, organizational dynamics and quality of commitment to proceed. We then recommend client transformation plans and starting points.
* “Big Picture” Enterprise Graphic
* Business Processes Graphic
* Perceptions Of Strategic Direction
* Initial Process Candidates
* Executive validation
* Recommendation Where To Start
Stage II. Strategy Articulation aligns projects with strategy. We facilitate clarification and communication of the business imperative to assure project endurance. Enterprise and technology strengths, weaknesses and major challenges to transformation are identified.
* Business Strategic Intent (Corporate & Local)
* Strategic Framework & Goals
* Competitive Capabilities Strength/Weakness Analysis
* High-Level Broken/Opportunity Impact List
* Strategy Communication Plan
Stage III. Process Context Development defines the general state of the processes and provides a high-level plan for approaching improvement. It organizes processes, identifies ownership, ranks process integration and health, and identifies high-level process problems and concerns. The Process Transformation Master Plan gives the overall process improvement picture including IT systems architecture. Management and executive teams begin “conditioning” for transformation.
* Validated Business Process Configuration (Map)
* Preliminary Process Owners List
* Processes’ Strategic & Health Prioritized List
* High Level List Of (Process) Breaks And Opportunities
* Transformation Master Plan (Culture, Work Flow, IT Acquisition, Process Thinking)
* Executive And Mid-Manager Members List
Stage IV. Breakthrough Projectization takes the identified processes, according to the Process Transformation Master Plan and constructs solid project plans. It determines scope and boundary, resources and schedules for each process improvement project. It is the internal “contract” among executives, mid-managers and design team members.
* Project Strategic Linkage
* Project Management Plan: Why, What, How Much, By When, Who, How Far, Etc. (Technical and Organizational Success Factors)
* The Work Specs & Agreements Among Top Execs, Mid-Mangers & Design-Level
Stage V. Breakthrough Analysis outlines the steps required, thoroughly and convincingly revealing the perceptions of how the process actually works, as well as, the magnitude of its "brokenness". High-level creative solutions are offered to test the limits of design solution acceptability. Assumption challenging and consensus are critical.
* Documented Cross-Functional Configuration Of Current Process
* Detail Of Process Opportunities & Broken Process Areas
* List Of Assumptions (Challenged)
* Current Process Performance Data (Plus An IT Requirements Study Option)
* Breakthrough Limits
Stage VI. Design establishes the new process solution on graphic maps with its specifications, roles & responsibilities, proposed measures and the recommendations that will sustain the process and guard against organizational rejection. The design team is prepared through a conceptual breakthrough exercises and simulations. Preliminary and final designs are proposed in this stage.
* New Design Configuration Documented (Cross-Functional)
* Validated Process Specifications & Control Points (Metrics)
* New Process Assumptions
* Matrix Of New Roles
* Preliminary & Final Design Recommendations
* Cost Justification & Conditioning Needs
Stage VII. Breakthrough Implementation Projectization (Planning) details the design implementation plan and sets the necessary project management controls to condition the organization against rejection. We teach OJT project and change leadership skills here.
* Implementation Strategically Positioned Via Implementation Projectization Worksheet
* Project Management Plan:
* Why, What, Measures, Who, When, Watch-Outs, Information Control, Logistics, Guidance, Concerns, Actions, “Contract”
* Validated & Approved “Contract”
* Implementation Team & Leaders Trained & Oriented For Planning
* Operationally Approach and Steps Detailed & Integrated Master Implementation Plan (Including Specific Cultural Conditioning)
* Approved Implementation Master Plan
Stage VIII. Breakthrough Implementation Realization (doing) executes the plan according to planned phases, pilots, etc., and institutionalizes the newly-configured process operation (metrics, derived job detail, knowledge management and training are built into detail work flow development, testing, transitioning, piloting, cut-over, and new process operations).
* Implementation Team Members Trained & Oriented
* Implementation Plan Actions Executed, Pilots, Etc.
* Process Detail Designed, Support Products, Job, Training, Roles & Responsibilities, Metrics Developed
* Pilots Process Designed, Resourced And Tested, Evaluated
* Process Owners And Managers Trained
* Management Systems Developed And Integrated
* Job Level & Management Training Conducted, And Performance Standards Initiated
* Organizational Conditioning Effected & Implementation Goals Tracked
* Process Implemented (On-Time/Budget) & Process Performance Managed
* Monitoring And Continuous Improvement System Implemented
Stage IX. Process Control Management System Development establishes the integration and connections from the processes to the management “cockpit” with positive and empowering measurement controls. We assure crisp organizational learning feedback and continuous process improvement. Process management control is tied to each process metric until the organization is operating optimally under process management.
* Re-Engineered Management Systems
* Processes Documented & Owned
* Process Health Criteria Determined
* Continuous Improvement Process Developed
* Corrective Action Feedback (Knowledge Management/Organizational Learning Systems) Developed
* Management Teams’ Roles & Responsibilities