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Consulting Engagements

Nexus offers complete management and organizational performance consulting services for all business service, production, and support areas.  Following principles of agility, Nexus scales projects to accommodate clients’ size and need for change. Therefore, no client is too big, or too small.     Organizations in every industry or process are candidates for incremental or transformational improvement, in administration, production, service delivery, supply chain, distribution channel, financial, management systems and processes, back office administrative, planning and training, etc.


Why Select Nexus?

·        International organizational transformation experience

·        Extensive R & D senior consultant experience with breakthrough tools

·        Knowledge of how to manage and prevent problem areas in advance

·        Nexus’ goal to have clients actually experience their expected benefits

·        Fortified projects with fail-safe measures to manage resistance

·        Proprietary technologies balanced, precise and powerful

·        Conditioning for the acceptance of accelerated change

·        Concurrent development of management, workforce, processes and cardinal values


Background to Our Approach


With over three decades of successful business and organizational experience we have evolved our precision consulting methodologies effectively.  Our advanced systemic approach helps industrial, academic and governmental organizations advance to be the best-of-the-best.


We have learned over and over that quick-fix programs or trendy initiatives rarely deliver promised results.  Only when the supportive organizational systems are conditioned to support new processes and work tasks, and when managers and executives are trained and coached, will the (nexus) linkages be in place to enable real cost savings, cycle time reductions, quality and volume breakthrough in performance.


Other consulting groups typically study, design, make recommendations and invoice.  Unfortunately, when they depart, the organizations revert predictably to old familiar and established behavior patterns causing an implementation short-fall.  At the outset of our engagements we prepare the client to make the nexus shift from within so they may enjoy their full breakthrough results.


Nexus staff members are technical leaders who have participated in research and development of international improvement initiatives.  We don’t believe that there is one off-the-shelf program, methodology or model that fits all.  Within our methodologies we have captured the best features from Business Simulations, Value Mapping, Motivation, Productivity, Process Analysis, TQMS, Strategic Realignment, Culture Shift, Process Reengineering, Training & Development, Learning and Adaptive Organizations, 6-Sigma, Knowledge Management, Human Capital, Process-Based (vs. functional-based)  Management Systems, Leadership and Coaching, Motivation, Customer First, Lean and Agile Enterprises, Corporate Reengineering , etc.


Project Challenges that Our Consultants Competently Overcome


·        Securing and sustaining leadership to focus and concur on advancement priorities

·        Vitalizing overloaded employees in their participation

·        Re-synchronizing the critical organizational connections, mission, strategy, process …

·        Reengineering without negatively interrupting operations

·        Transferring new process and management skills

·        Creating an adaptive learning organization (for continuous improvement)

·        Securing the balanced management system to assure  benefits



Improvement Scenarios   |   Typical Results    |    Consulting Team    |    Performance Breakthrough Template



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